That analysis appears in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 该研究的分析报告发表在《美国体质人类学杂志》上。
The questions posed and answered via the study of physical anthropology have fascinated me for a very long time and have stimulated me to ask and seek to answer further questions. 问题的形成和答复经过体质人类学学习已经使我神魂颠倒了很长一段时间并且已经激励我询问和寻找答案和更深一层的疑问。
Studies on the Culture in Vitro and Sterile Seedling Estimating Cold-resistance of Acacia Implex; Physical Anthropology Analysis of Dragon Canoe Race of Miao Nationality 灰木相思离体培养及苗期抗寒性评价苗族独木龙舟竞渡的体质人类学分析
Adopting the methods of demography and physical anthropology, the article studies the life span and sex ratio of ancient inhabitants in detail in the Neolithic Age in Shanxi Priovince. 采用人口学和体质人类学的方法,对山西芮城清凉寺新石器时代墓地古代居民的人口寿命、性别比例进行了详细研究。
Objective: To accumulate data of college students in physical anthropology and tu provide facial morphology data for aesthetic and plastic surgery. 前言:目的:积累大学生的体质人类学方面调查资料,为美容、整形外科学提供面部形态学基础资料。
From the19th century to the early20th century and with the application and abuse of physical anthropology, genetics and eugenics, nationalism became a theoretical system and a way of behavior. 从19世纪至20世纪上半叶,凭借体质人类学、人类遗传学和优生学的应用与滥用,种族主义成为一种系统的理论体系和行为方式。
The evolution of the research is to promote the development of physical anthropology another important factor. 对人的进化的研究也是促进体质人类学发展的另一个重要因素。
This paper uses the theory and research method of anthropology to make people reconsider furniture design from the aspect of physical anthropology and cultural anthropology. 本文主要想借鉴人类学的理论和研究方法,从体质人类学与文化人类学的角度来对家具设计进行重新思考。
Physical Anthropology Analysis of Dragon Canoe Race of Miao Nationality 苗族独木龙舟竞渡的体质人类学分析
In order to study particular cultures as completely as possible, Boas became skilled in linguistics, the study of languages, and in physical anthropology, the study of human biology and anatomy. 为了尽可能完整地研究特定文化,博厄斯精通语言学,语言研究学,体质人类学,人类生物学和解剖学。
Web Investigation of Nursery Stock Production in China; Physical Anthropology Analysis of Dragon Canoe Race of Miao Nationality 我国园林苗圃及苗木种类网上调查初报苗族独木龙舟竞渡的体质人类学分析
Physical anthropology is more than just my primary area of education; it has also become my hobby and lifestyle. 体质人类学是我教育方面最主要的领域,它也变成我的业余爱好和生活方式。
Objective: To study the characteristics of physical anthropology of Hui nationality in Hunan province. 前言:目的:了解湖南省回族的体型及体质特征,为临床医学和人类学提供资料。
Facial reconstruction is very important to ethnics research, individual authentication and orthopedic operation. It is widely studied and applied in forensic medicine, physical anthropology and palaeoanthropology. 面貌复原对人种特征研究、尸体鉴别认证及面部矫形手术具有重要意义,已经在法医人类学、体质人类学和古人类学中得到广泛地研究和应用。
Physical anthropology on Dong Nationality in Sanjiang Autonomous County, Guangxi 广西三江侗族自治县侗族体质调查
Physical anthropology on Miao and Yi Nationalities in dee, Guangxi 广西德峨苗族、彝族体质调查
Objective: To investigated physiognomic characteristics of Tujia nationality in Enshi, to provide a quantitative standard for clinical face lifting and appraisal of legal medical expert and to add some data of physical anthropology. 目的:了解恩施土家族容貌特征与年龄特征的各项指数,为体质人类学积累新的资料和临床整容、法医鉴定等提供量化指标。
On the other hand, these data can be useful for forensic medicine and physical anthropology. 另一方面,这些数据对于法医学以及体质人类学也是非常有用的。
In China, anthropology should cover physical anthropology, cultural anthropology and applied anthropology. 根据我国实际,人类学应包含体质人类学、文化人类学和应用人类学。
A Study on the Physical Anthropology of the Miao Nationality of Wangka in Guizhou 贵州王卡苗族体质人类学研究
On the system and contents of Physical Anthropology 试论体质人类学的体系和内容
A preliminary study on physical anthropology of the Yao nationality at Jianghua autonomous county, Hunan 湖南省江华瑶族自治县瑶族体质人类学初步研究
AIM: To analyze the rules and characteristics of somatotype development of Han children in western rural area of Liaoning Province, so as to supplement essential data for physical anthropology. 目的:分析辽西地区农村汉族儿童的体型发育规律和特点,为体质人类学补充必要数据。
A study on physical anthropology of Miao Nationality in Hunan 湖南苗族体质人类学研究
Objective To explore the asymmetry of college students 'feet, to provide a morphological bases for design of shoes, and to provide data for physical anthropology. 目的探讨大学生足的非对称性,为鞋的设计提供形态依据,为体质人类学研究积累资料。
Objective To provide basic dermatoglyphic parameter for physical anthropology and clinical medicine. 目的为了给体质人类学和临床医学提供基础皮纹学参数。
Objective: By measuring the figure and the breadth of the nose of Xinjiang Uygur preschool children, it will provide conference of physical anthropology and growth ( age) anatomy for revising children's nose deformity and face-lifting. 目的:观察与测量新疆维吾尔族学龄前儿童鼻部的形态及间距,为鼻部畸形、缺损的修复和整容及体质人类学、生长(年龄)解剖学提供参考依据。
Objective: To study the difference of metacarpal bones of different sides and different sex, accumulating anatomical data for physical anthropology and forensic medicine. 目的:探讨掌骨的侧别与性别差异及性别判别方法,积累有关解剖学资料。
Archaeology and Physical Anthropology using scientific methods and means provide us marks and effective evidences of human itself and the related which were left by the process of human development. 考古学和体质人类学用科学手段和方法给我们提供了人类在发展过程中留下的自身的、与自身有关的印记和有效证物。
The study of the residents from the perspective of physical anthropology supports the study of graveyard archeological culture in the aspect of archeology, adds racial source data for Qin People and enriches research data of ancient residents in Shaanxi region. 对临潼湾李战国至秦代居民进行体质人类学的研究为研究该墓地的考古学文化提供了人类学方面的支撑,为研究秦人族源补充了新的资料,进一步也丰富了陕西地区古代居民的研究资料。